Sunday, May 14, 2006

Wet Week Off

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

To busy to sort out my Blog ! How could this be true? Well it is not. Truth is I been sitting on my door step waiting for the rain to stop long enough for me to wander about taking photos. Tuesday was sunny enough for me to dry my washing but what with windows going belly up I've had a few other things to do.

On the subject of windows going belly up and having to reinstall everything I would like to take a few moments to talk about reinstalling The Sims Don't. I have the full set of 12 disks and its a pain in the arse. If like me you were into downloading stuff off the internet it's worse. I've done this about five time now and this is the first time it has gone well and all works. This maybe due to me only using stuff from the game and not downloading anything. I have lost more houses than I care to mention and so have other Sims addicts I know. One gave up and bought Sims 2. Its installed now and I'm just waiting for Bill Gates to come round so I can turn him in to a toad.

And on the subject of Photography, Next time I upgrade my camera I think I'll get one that's waterproof then I can take photos during the summer as well :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my life is one wet week off.

Kurt Cobain

7:59 PM  

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