Sunday, May 14, 2006


Monday September 05th 2005

At long last I have caved in and bought a 20 GB iPod. In one way I’m glad I did but in many other ways I wish I had cut my ears off, buried them in the garden and shoved the money up my arse. It was a little on the scratched side (the iPod not my arse) but then again I want to listen to it not look at it. It came with a remote, earphones and a case which I stuck in a draw. I’ll use my own earphones thanks as they sound better and they don’t glow white in the dark and doesn’t announce that you have an iPod to every mugger you pass. I had to buy a charger and cable to stack it up with mp3’s. The battery is crap as most people will know and is in no way good enough to fill 20GB of iPod. So after 5 nights of charging and updating I have managed to fill 14.26GB. I recommend USB 2. If you ain't got it, get it. The itunes software which you have no choice but to use is basic and crap. I spent 6 months making sure all my mp3’s were named in the same format (artist, LP name, track number and track name) all the crappel iPod left me with was number and name. I suppose it will save me the bother of renaming the other 2000. I have been wondering why so many people named there mp3’s like that. Now I know they have ipods and made the same mistakes I did. Once you eventually get the mp3’s on the thing it’s not too bad. I will want to delete certain LP’s and replace them with others but I can’t see how I can do it. If I have to reinstall the hole lot every time I want to swap an LP it will get sold VERY quickly. Maybe I should just give in and read the manual. It’s great if you got the time to mess with it but I haven't so when I put my mp3's on it they better stay on it. Maybe they will have sorted out some of the irritating eccentricities in some of the later ipods but third generation and bellow you can forget. Alternatively you can save your money and find an mp3 player with a battery that you don't have to rent for a year or at least one that is easer to replace. You can replace them yourself its just a pain in the arse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canned peas. I ask you, when I was young we used to sit around the table me and me sisters and pick um straight from the pod, fresher too. I things were different then.

8:16 PM  

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