Sunday, May 14, 2006

New Year

Tuesday January 3rd 2006

Happy new year to you all. Hope you all had a good time and unlike me didn't get to drunk. I decided to get out of London and except a kind offer from my good friends of a privet knees up at there club. At about seven ish the men folk went over the club to secure seats for the two clans. This was no small task as there neighbour had about 16 plus our 5. So there we sat, four of us on three tables. It must have looked quite odd with my bubby at one end, there next door neighbour on the middle table and me and there other neighbour at the other end. Now most of you will not know that when loud music is playing I find it quite hard to understand what people are saying. No smelly stuff Sherlock I hear you say. I will explain. Many moons ago your very own Welsh Bloke worked in a rehearsal studio. I was called into room one which had a 4k rig (a 4 thousand watt PA for y'all not in the know) as the band was unable to get the monster to make a sound. The bands would very often mic up the drums, guitars as well as the vocals for that authentic gig sound. So the taffy trainee sound engineer set about prodding the beast to wake it up. It turned out that the cable that linked the two speaker stacks and four stage monitors had come a bit loose. Dopey nuts here had forgotten that he had left the volume slider on the mixer full tilt. So as I fiddled with the wire I pumped lord knows how many thousand watts of feedback in to our canisters. I don't think the guys were two happy about that and my ears had a ring in them for three days. I think it messed my ears up a bit. Anyway I digress. After what seemed like an age the rest our clans turned up so we set about working on our hangovers. At about 10:30, 11:00 I found I was still more or less stone cold sober, so despite being in a whip I started dipping in my own funds for a whisky chaser. Yes I know that now, it was a bad move. So fun was had by all even when we were the only ones dancing to Hersham Boys. Just to top things off one of our clan won a bottle of vodka in the raffle. Midnight came and went and so did we. Back at my friends place we had a little night cap and the conversation came around to how much we had left in the whip. It was at that point we realised we had left it on the table in the club. So like superman out of a phone box I was out the door to see if it was still there, which it was, still in the glass on the table. After getting back I can remember having a ciggy and that's about it. The black cloud has clamed the rest. Next morning half of the vodka had gone and I was not a well man. I had a cup of coffee which I didn't keep long. I was told to drink something with sugar in so I had some blackcurrant. This turned out sugar free, DOH ! The next one had sugar in which lasted a little longer but it wasn't long before it saw the light of day again. Which was quite distressing as I thought I had brought up blood, completely forgetting I had been drinking blackcurrant. My mind was put at rest when I brought up the orange, and it was orange. After that I decided to do dry January.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clandestine male seeks clandestine female for romance and companionship, non smoker, survival skills and black panties a must.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Welsh Bloke said...

Yer, Reply Box Bravo Two zero in Morse code.

9:35 PM  

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