Sunday, May 14, 2006


Tuesday January 24th 2006

So what's an Ophiuchus I hear some of you say? I shall reveal all. I was dredging through the internet trying to find something to put in this thing and came up with the idea of the 13th sign of the zodiac. 13 ? there are 12 you donkey, you may say. You would be wrong. This is because Ophiuchus is a Sun sign. The Moon and planets all are seen against the stars of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus isn't in the Tropical zodiac. This is not because there is something wrong with Ophiuchus but because there is something wrong with the Tropical zodiac. The Tropical zodiac is an inaccurate oversimplification of the heavens dating from a time when we did not have telescopes or computers. So the stars in the paper are crap? If they ain't why am I not rich with a headboard close to falling apart from all the notches carved in it. Next, it ain't the 13th sign its the 10th. Now, I'm sure your all wondering how this is going to affect you but don't worry I'm sure there are support groups out there. This is how it should be for all you misled Meg's out there.

01 Pisces - The Fishes – 12 Mar to Apr

02 Aries - The Ram - 19 Apr to 13 May

03 Taurus - The Bull - 14 May to 19 Jun

04 Gemini - The Twins - 20 Jun to 20 Jul

05 Cancer - The Crab - 21 Jul to 9 Aug

06 Leo - The Lion - 0 Aug to 15 Sep

07 Virgo - The Maiden - 16 Sep to 30 Oct

08 Libra - The Scales - 31 Oct to 22 Nov

09 Scorpio - The Scorpion - 23 Nov to 29 Nov

10 Ophiuchus - The Serpent Bearer - 30 Nov to 17 Dec

11 Sagittarius - The Archer - 18 Dec to 18 Jan

12 Capricorn - The Sea Goat - 19 Jan to 15 Feb

13 Aquarius - The Water Carrier - 16 Feb to 11 Mar

So this makes the star sign of your very own Welsh Bloke, Ophiuchus. Spooky Hu. The serpent Bearer. Do I bear a serpent, well I don't like to boast. I also read this Ophiuchus is also a symbol of the medical profession. Which one I don't know. This dude has got a whole load of mythology type stuff going on. At this point I am going to drop this subject as I found out that Ophiuchus became an incredible healer. Indeed, he could even bring the dead back, and Hades, who ruled the underworld, complained to Zeus that his realm was threatened. Finally, Zeus struck Ophiuchus down with a thunderbolt, but placed him in the sky so that he might be remembered. I don't fancy that. And yes I did nick loads off other web sites.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site welsh bloke, where are you from?

Ominus prime.

Ps I tried to comment on the photos but couldn't. Nice work by the way. Even if there were no pictures of Ann Friel. But the gas tank thingy isn't disused, my mate lives opposite, he's worried about it blowing up like Bunsfeild in Haemal, well he is after I point out that it would make a very loud bang and leave a very big hole!

10:35 PM  
Blogger Welsh Bloke said...

Sorry about that dude but it's a link to another site. You have to be a member to comment. It means I don't have to have all them pic's taking up room in the 55MB's I got for this site at the mo.

The photo site was Flickr and the 55mb 's was from my ISP

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two snakes twisting around the staff. But nothing to do healing people, quite the opposite if my memory serves me well, which it doesn't. I just spent the past 10 minutes looking for my car keys before I realised that I didn't have a car.

Betty Grable

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOLPHINS, big fish that squeak, loved by tourists and depressed people and stroky beardy types that insist that they are trying to communicate. Phooey, eeeeeeeeeeee eee eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeee eeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee. If there that intelligent then why don't they just say oi you bunch of humans, stop killing are young in tuna nets and stop trying to feed us your depressed tourists. Don't talk to me about dolphins.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aliens have landed for god sake some one help us!

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Wales once, they weren't very friendly as I call.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read my stars all the time. What a load of s***, I mean c'mon, as if.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owls. I have a problem with Owls, if there that f****** wise why do they stay up all night hooting when the mice are like hello I'm not going out there with all those owls hooting, and like there soooooo weird lookin, has anyone seen an owl fly, in the wild not on film, cos they make up stuff, like oh my god no.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is moonbase alpha calling, i am commanda konig, this is moon base alpha calling.

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm from Newport, you knows me init. Lend me a quid or I'll stab you

signed jasonjerbil

11:49 PM  

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